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The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs
The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs Read online
© 2017 N&G Média inc.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Interior Design, Illustrations & Photographs by Geneviève Gauvin, Co-CEO N&G Média inc.
Special Thanks: Dr. Martin Pall, Dr. Magda Havas, Dr. Anthony G. Beck, Brian Hoyer, Michael Schwaebe, Lloyd Burrell, Drs. Elizabeth and Marcus Plourde, Dr. Jan-Rutger Schrader, Dr. Martin Blank, Daniel and Ryan DeBaun, The EMF Warriors, Dr. Joseph Mercola and The Environmental Health Trust.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
ISBN: 1976109124
ISBN-13: 978-1976109126
For a complete list of references and important edits that have been applied to this book since its initial release, visit nontinfoilemf.com/sources
Mandatory Disclaimer
The claims made in this guide have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (and certainly not the FCC) and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
This guide is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment or medical advice. Products, services, information and other content provided in this guide, including information that may be provided in this guide directly or by linking to third-party websites are provided for informational purposes only. Please consult with a physician or other healthcare professionals regarding any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment options.
Inconvenient Disclaimer
Even though I’m legally bound to advise you to talk about the possible health effects of EMFs with your physician… the reality is that doing so will likely make them slap you with some kind of bipolar disorder and tell you to stop believing what you read on the Internet.
Most doctors have no idea that even very low levels of EMFs can cause side effects in some people — ranging from slightly affecting your sleep to the straight up debilitating symptoms experienced by people diagnosed with electro-hypersensitivity (EHS).
They took the oath of causing no harm… but they simply don’t know what they don’t know.
This EMF ignorance spreads way wider than just in medicine. Most home builders and electricians have no idea how to reduce the levels of EMFs in electrical systems they install. And most engineers and physicists still believe that low level EMFs cannot possibly cause harm — and have convinced most policy makers, politicians and influencers that anyone bringing up the issue must be a tinfoil-hatted, conspiracy-theory-loving lunatic.
Before our EMF safety standards finally catch up with what the latest independent science shows is actually safe, my real advice for you is to stay very critical, educate yourself, and do your best to reduce your exposure.
Affiliate Links Disclaimer
We’ve been practicing ethical, heart-based affiliate marketing for more than 5 years — and it’s the way we’ve been able to put food on the table while we educate thousands of people every single day. If you visit some of the links in this guide and purchase recommended products, understand that we might receive a monetary compensation. We thank you in advance for your support.
How to Take Action Without Reading a Single Page.
Look — even if my author’s ego would sure feel great if you read every single page of this book and ended writing a 1,000-word, 5-star review on Amazon calling my work “a game-changer”… what really matters to me is that you take action.
That’s why I’ve decided to give all my book readers (good news… that’s you!) a 100% free set of these easy “Printable Cheat Sheets”.
Each cheat sheet offers you an easy, printable list of steps you can take to protect yourself and your family against this pervasive 21st-century toxin — in a matter of seconds, and most often for free.
Simply visit the link below to claim your free bonus!
You’ll also be subscribed to our newsletter so I can send you future book updates, bonus materials and critical information about how you can keep protecting yourself against new and even more aggressive “5G” EMFs — coming very soon in all good neighborhoods.
Dedicated to the incredible human beings
fighting to put safety before profits.
Foreword: The Unexciting Story Behind This Guide
Chapter 1: EMF 101
What’s An E-M-F?
The 4 Types Of EMFs
EMFs Are Everywhere
Chapter 2: “Science”
Why Scientists Rarely Agree
Good VS Bad EMF Science
Am I A “Cherry Picker”?
Chapter 3: Are Safety Standards Safe?
How Your Cellphone Is Tested
7 Easy Ways To Stay Safe
Non-Ionizing VS Ionizing Radiation
Chapter 4: The Evidence
Your Body Runs On EMFs
4 Ways EMFs Disrupt Cells
EMFs & Your Sleep
Chapter 5: The Not-So-Evident
135 “Black Swan” Studies
Is Electrosensitivity Real?
8 Ways EMFs Might Affect You
Chapter 6: Crossroads
Do We Need More Research?
Countries Taking EMF Action
What Are Safe Levels?
Chapter 7: What To Do
How To Tame Your Phone
How To Clean Your Home
How To Protect Children
Conclusion: All That Being Said
Are We Doomed?
YOU Are In Control
How You Can Help
Annex: Complete References
Photo Credits
The Unexciting Story Behind This Guide
I wish there was an amazing hero’s journey behind the creation of this guide. Maybe a riveting story about how I was holding my cell phone one sunny day, got so sick I was bedridden for months, and eventually discovered I suffered from a debilitating case of electro-hypersensitivity (often called “EHS”).
Shortly thereafter, I would leave everything behind to become an internationally-acclaimed activist fighting for the victims of this crime against humanity.
The truth is… I’m just a guy trying to stay healthy, and who happens to be slightly obsessed with getting to the very bottom of things.
My name is Nick Pineault, and in the past 4 years I’ve been publishing my findings about nutrition, our environment, and anything health-related on a free online newsletter called “Nick & Gen’s Healthy Life.”1
I’ve written more than 1,500 newsletters that have been sent to tens of thousands of people from all around the world. In 2013, I also authored an ebook series about our broken food supply titled “The Truth About Fat Burning Foods” — which has been sold in more than 50,000 digital copies. Based on these numbers, I guess that technically makes me pretty close to an Amazon bestseller.
Here I go trying to put forward my accomplishments in order to show you that I have some credibility. I hate it when I do that.
The truth is that I don’t have special abilities or prestigious credentials — just a Bachelor’s in communications, combined with an open, critical mind and the unique kind of stubbornness you need to dive really deep in a subject, almost drown in the process, and eventually come back to the surface to explain the whole thing in a way that makes sense to the layperson.
This guide is the result of countless hours of research — probably well over 1,500 — studying the published work of
amazing scientists, researchers, authors, activists and engineers who are studying the health effects of EMFs, second-guessing our current safety standards, and dedicating their entire lives trying to break up the status quo and make the world a better place.
My obsessive research process has included:
Taking the best out of the top Amazon bestselling books on EMFs including Zapped (Ann Louise Gittleman), Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation, What the Industry Has Done to Hide It, and How to Protect Your Family (Devra Davis, PhD), Overpowered: The Dangers of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF) and What You Can Do about It (Martin Blank, PhD), EMF Freedom — Solutions for the 21st Century Pollution — 3rd Edition (Elizabeth Plourde, PhD and Marcus Plourde, PhD), and Going Somewhere: Truth about a Life in Science (Andrew A. Marino, PhD) — just to name a few.
Going through to the most recent work of pioneers in the world of EMF research like Martin Pall, Magda Havas, Martin Blank, Devra Davis (all PhDs), the Environmental Health Trust, Powerwatch UK, Microwave News, Daniel & Ryan DeBaun from Defender Shield, and much, much more
Listening to dozens of interviews performed by Lloyd Burrell of ElectricSense.com with top researchers on electro-hypersensitivity, cell towers, smart meters, shielding, EMF mitigation and multiple other EMF-related topics
I would like to particularly single out Radiation Nation: The Fallout of Modern Technology, written by EMF pioneers Daniel & Ryan DeBaun as a reference for this book.
As I was beginning to write The Non-Tinfoil Guide To EMFs, Radiation Nation was released. Digging through this book sped up my writing and research process, because the authors have connected the dots in a way that had simply never been done before.
If you want to learn more about EMFs, all the resources cited above are very useful and will help you in your journey.
But if you prefer skipping the first 1,500 hours of research and get the gist of what EMFs are, why you should care, and what you should do to protect your health, then read on. This is what this guide is all about.
The Honest Truth About This Guide
The last thing I want is for you to read this guide and feel like you’ve wasted your time. So before we dive in, let’s talk about expectations.
What this guide is:
An actionable tool to help you learn what you can do today to safely reduce your exposure to EMFs and their known or potential related health risks
An open-minded discussion about the overwhelming evidence which shows how outdated and ineffective our current safety standards are
An easy reference you can come back to anytime, and that’s written in a way you can actually understand
Down to earth education that’s going to make you a healthier, happier person — whether you think you’re personally sensitive to the effects of EMFs or not
The definitive proof that we need to use our technology in a safer way while our standards catch up with the latest science
What this guide is NOT:
An extensive, hard-to-read book which covers every single topic or health effect related to electromagnetic fields
A political exposé on how telecom companies, regulatory agencies and other people are conspiring against your health (although there’s definitely some truth to that)
An engineer-level guide on EMFs focused on technical minutiae
A book filled with out-of-context, cherry-picked activist propaganda and scare tactics about how you should shred your iPhone to pieces as soon as possible
The definitive proof that EMFs are going to kill you, fry your brain, or give you cancer
Before We Move On
I won’t lie — this entire EMF thing will feel overwhelming at first.
At one point, you might even get the intense feeling of an impending doom, and think the world is a very scary place — especially for those very sensitive to electromagnetic fields or small children.
But don’t freak out just yet. Take a deep breath, smile, and simply do the best you can with the knowledge you have.
Armed with the new information you’re going to get in the next pages, you’ll be able to safely reduce your EMF exposure — 95% of which can be done for free, in just a few minutes. No tinfoil hat required.
* * *
1To receive our daily newsletter, simply visit nickandgenhealthylife.com
Chapter 1
EMF 101
What’s an E-M-F?
The 4 Types Of EMFs
EMFs Are Everywhere
What The Heck Is “E-M-F”?
When I asked a friend what’s the first thing she thought of when she heard the letters “EMF”, she told me she had no idea… but that it kind of sounded like “UFOs”.
I quickly realized that even though the potential dangers of cellphone signals have been in the news for several years now — most people still consider that talking about the health effects of the invisible, odorless and silent signals we’re exposed to from wifi, smartphones or any other kind of wireless device ranks pretty high on the conspiracy theorist, tinfoil hatted-scale.
To show you that EMFs have nothing to do with witchcraftery, let’s go back to the basic science. And just as I tell my wife whenever she asks me anything health-related and is afraid my answer will turn into an hour-long monologue... “I’ll keep it short. I promise.”
EMF stands for “electromagnetic fields”. An electromagnetic field is “a physical field produced by electrically charged objects”.2 Thanks, Wikipedia.
EMFs are organized on a spectrum, and classified according to their wavelength and frequency. On the left hand of the EMF spectrum, you find long waves with short frequencies like the EMFs created by a standard electrical outlet (60 Hertz in North America). On the opposite end, you find very short waves with a very high frequency like X-rays and gamma rays which contain enough energy to destroy your DNA or pretty much instantly damage your body — and that you definitely don’t want to mess with.
Here’s a quick mind-bender for you: the frequency of an EMF signal equals how many times it oscillates every second — calculated in Hertz (Hz). While the Earth’s natural magnetic field is known to be around 7.83 Hz, the 4G/LTE signal coming off your iPhone can oscillate up to 2.7 billion times per second (2.7 GHz). Now that’s fast.
Now, we’re still at the dinner-table conversation level here — because none of what I’ve said so far means that EMFs are dangerous per se.
After all, EMFs are basically everywhere in nature. Believe it or not, light is a kind of EMF, and the sun emits light in the visible spectrum (think of the entire rainbow), invisible UV light (helps you produce vitamin D or burns your skin if you get too much) and invisible infrared light (heat).
Part of the reason this whole topic is hard to grasp is that while a lot of animals are able to see infrared, UV and other EMFs that are invisible to the human eye,3 most EMFs are invisible, odorless, and undetectable to humans except if you have a special meter like this very ugly but effective Cornet ED88T Electrosmog Meter I’ll be using to give you real-life examples throughout the guide.
While I’ll be talking about what we could call “natural EMFs” a bit throughout this guide, my focus here will be to look at the possible effects that man-made EMFs — generated from smartphones, wifi networks, cell towers, smart meters, everyday appliances, electronics and even basic electrical wiring inside your home — might have on your health.
The 4 Types Of EMFs You Need To Worry About
I thought about calling these “The 4 Horsemen Of EMF Danger” or something fancier… but it just didn’t sound right.
The first lesson here is that talking about “the dangers of EMFs” makes no sense — because it doesn’t tell us which EMF we’re talking about… gamma rays, x-rays, light, microwaves, or low level magnetic fields? The confusion is real.
Throughout this guide, I’ll talk about the 4 specific types of EMFs that have been linked with adverse health effects4 — Radio Frequency (RF), Magnetic Fields (MF), Electric Fields (EF) a
nd Dirty Electricity (DE).
Look for these icons throughout the guide — they’ll identify which type of EMF I’m talking about.
If you hired an EMF mitigation expert like a Certified Building Biologist5 — these are the 4 main types of EMFs they would measure and try to reduce inside your house in order to make it a healthy, healing environment where you sleep like a baby and thrive.
Each of these 4 types of EMFs have been linked to specific health effects (both positive and negative), are emitted by specific sources, and can be reduced or avoided using specific strategies.
This might all be way over your head right now, but I promise it will start making more and more sense as you progress through the guide — so stick with me here!
Ever come across the story a while back about how someone used a cell phone to cook an egg?
While it’s an urban legend — the signal coming off your smartphone does’t have enough power to prepare you a nice breakfast — there’s actually some truth to that.
Cell phones, cordless phones, anything wifi, wireless “smart” utility meters and any kind of Bluetooth device all emit EMF radiation in the RF range — and some of them use the exact same frequency used by your microwave oven to cook food (although they use a much, much lower power).
The frequency of RF signals is fairly high compared to the other 3 types I’ll talk about below — and range from 3 kHz to 300 GHz. Microwaves are a kind of RF signal ranging from 100 kHz to 300 GHz, so they’re often lumped in the “RF” radiation category. Don’t worry... none of this will be on the exam.